Saturday, June 09, 2018

Tell them today

A eulogy
is an afterthought
their ghosts
can't hear
So tell them today.

Tell him today
how much his life means
as he sits at the breakfast table
shifting his restless legs.
Set a hand on his knee
and tell him
All the stories that matter.

Also tell him
that on the day
he decides
to dim the lights
on the only life you knew
you'll get a phone call
That will bring you to your knees.

Tell him
it will be his baby sister
on the other line
saying words you know
But can barely fathom.

Tell him
that it will be she
who stiffens her back
and straightens her shoulders
to bear the burden
Of losing him.

Tell him
that she and you
will walk through
funeral homes
shaking your heads
at the opulence
Nope, not him
until you get to the simple one
the one with the real frogs
at the bottom of a waterfall
You'll exchange a slight smile
and say
This is it.

Tell him
that in the days to come
you will walk through
the halls of his home
sifting slowly
through all his secrets
He's not going to like that.

Tell him
you will give away
almost everything
he ever loved
even his motorcycle
See how he likes that.

Tell him
that there will be days
when the sound of laughter
anywhere from anyone
will be the sound
of nails on chalkboard
For you.

Tell him
that as you
bring him home
cradling his urn
like a newborn
a thoughtless agent
will stop you at security
and want to know what it is
you are carrying.
That's my son
you'll whisper
in a scream
Only you can hear.

Tell him
all that
and more
and ask
Wouldn't he rather just please stay.


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