Thursday, January 23, 2025


Payday comes with a promise Velvet and vile Silky here and slapping there Payday comes with a coil I scarf around my neck Payday feeds family just as it starves me. Payday sings of gifts it hasn't earned yet. Payday has become me.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Anti-suicidal ideation

 I will not

Carry your remains in 

A baby stroller

Preaching the perils of suicide.

I will not

Put my walking shoes on 

For a seminar like that.

I refuse.

I will not say

I didn't tell you

Not to put

Foreign objects in your mouth

A gun 

Isn't something 

You ever put in your mouth.

And you oughta know

Better than that.

I will not say

I told you so either.

I refuse.

I refuse, mama

It was your defiance

Your magnum opus

The thing

That would absolve you

And elevate you all at once

In the face

Of a challenge.

I refuse

To tie me to you

That way. 

Monday, January 16, 2023

The diet

 The plung

Suggests that this might be 

She is small
In the chest
But fair.

His eyes locked
in hers
and away 
from her breasts
only makes me
that much surer
that it is.
A date, that is.


Hanging on to every word
She hasn't said
Because he doesn't want
To be caught staring at

The plung


She's pretty
Pretty blonde.

He is pleasantly plump
And hairy
In the face.

favors a currency
traded in attention
We wield it 
to our will
Handing it out
holding it back.

She's eating
carbs and calories
In a damnyouall
Of free will
Drinking beer

But I see the 
wrinkles on
her face
And I know
she's starving herself

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Minding a memory

A blink of an eye
Is a shutter speed no one considers
When it means making a memory
You'd wish
You held your eyelids open
Just long enough
To record
The things
You might never forget
Or have a photograph
To remember by.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

This Present Day

The barriers

Are within

this present day

This present day

Demands that I live it




Fully in this present day

The living isn't the hurdle

The living with it is

Is living life

To the fullest

For only the young?

Is throwing caution

Out there


Or Selfish?

Will I be alive

In the end

To know the difference?

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Life up close and personal

She sits
in the valley
of her imagination
over the hills
at the life
that has passed her by.

All escape routes
in the face of a pandemic
Travel is
for brochures
requires a mask
is left
with no place
to go

This may be 
 a deliberate exercise
on nature's part
to bring people
closer to
the full-frontal
raw reality
of their existence

There's nowhere to go
but here
You are
up close and personal
With the life 
you chose
or the one
that chose you
How do you like
them apples now?

Friday, March 27, 2020


A crisis by any other name
would still smell like grief
Did we ask for this?
Careless and cavalier
disregard the wisdom
of the ones who knew
and the ones who know how
not to turn the lights off
on the world
as we know it
We've learned nothing
from the past
Maybe it's because
the lessons were not passed
from their plagued
lips to our ears
We're throwing back
these days
to fascism
the Great Depression
Sinking stocks
squandering supplies
When the course
of rescue
is chartered by the wealthy
and the wicked
safe harbored
with nothing to lose
the rest of us
have nothing
left to choose.